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Foot brake:
- The foot brake has to be a hydraulic brake system.
- The foot brake has to be a double circle brake system.
- The foot brake has to work on all 4 wheels.
- The foot brake has to be SECURE, FAST and EFFECTIVE at ALL SPEEDS and LOADS.
Brake pedal:
- Brake pedal must have a non slippery surface and must be secured.
- Brake pedal must be hard and firm.
- Brake pedal must have 1 cm free range.
- Brake pedal may not be pushed to further than the middle.
Brake oil:
• Brake oil in the brake fluid container, which is located under the bonnet, has to be between the minimum and maximum mark.
Vacuum brake control:
- Turn the engine off.
- Pump the brake pedal 3-4 times and then keep the brake pedal held down.
- Turn on the engine.
- Conclude that the brake pedal sinks when the engine is turned on and the vacuum break
therefore must work.
Parking brake:
- Parking brake has to be mechanical.
- Parking brake must work on at least 2 wheels.
- Parking brake must keep the car parked at an 18 % leaning road.
- Parking brake must remain up once activated.
Steering wheel:
- Steering wheel must be EASY, SECURE and FAST to use.
- Steering wheel must be self correcting.
- Steering wheel must be without murmur.
- Steering wheel must be without noticeable difference.
Steering wheel control:
- Turn on the engine so the steering wheel doesn`t lock.
- Place the wheels of the car in a straight position.
- Place yourself beside the car door with the window open.
- Turn the steering wheel in short smooth movements and observe that the wheel of the car
follows the steering wheels movements without difference.
- Tell that the steering oil in the steering fluid container, which is located under the bonnet,
must be between the minimum and maximum mark.
- Tires must be of the same type on all 4 wheels. (summer/winter tires)
- Tires must be similar in pairs.
- The depth in the tires patterns must be at least 1.6 mm.
- Tires and caps must be undamaged.
- Nail tires must only be used from November 1st till April 15th.
- Tires must be pumped accordingly to the directions of the car manufacturer.
Exhaust must be secure.
Exhaust must be intact.
Exhaust must be equipped with an air filter
Positions lights:
- Positions lights must be white or slightly yellow.
- Positions lights must be visible at a distance of at least 300 m.
- Positions lights must not be blinding. Short lights:
- Short lights must be white or slightly yellow.
- Short lights must light up the road at least 30 m ahead.
- Short lights must not be blinding.
- Short lights must be asymmetrical to the right.
- Short lights must decrease by 1 %.
Control of decrease:
Stand in front of the light and place your finger on the highest point.
Go 1 meter backwards
The light should now have moved 1 cm down your leg.
Long lights:
- Long lights must be white or slightly yellow
- Long lights must light up the road at least 100 m ahead.
- Long lights may be blinding.
- Long lights must have a control lamp, which lights up when long lights are on.
License plate light:
- License plate light must be white.
- License plate light must make the license plate visible at a distance of at least 20 m.
Back lights:
- Back lights must be red.
- Back lights must be visible at a distance of at least 300 m.
- Back lights must not be blinding.
Stop lights:
- Stop lights must be red.
- Stop lights must be 3-4 times more powerful than the back lights.
- Stop lights must not be blinding.
- Stop lights must be visible in bright sunlight.
Signal lights:
- Signal lights must be orange or slightly yellow.
- Signal lights must be visible in bright sunlight.
- Signal lights must give signal in the range of 60 and 120 times per minute
- Signal lights must have a button that turns on every signal light simultaneously as emergency lights.
Two red reflecses on the rear of the car may not be triangular.
Chock absorbers, which are placed at every wheel, are pressed down, when pressure is released, the body of the car must stand still.
The engine oil in the engine oil container and the coolant in coolant container, which are both located under the bonnet, must be between the minimum and maximum mark.
The neck support must be placed so it supports your neck.